- Think different
- Be the change you wish to see in the world
- Time heals all wounds
- Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations (Love, God)
- Do everything with meaning and love
- Don't be bashful - get what you want
- Your hard work won't go unnoticed
- If you can dream it, you can do it
- Don't judge a book by its cover
- Always ask too many questions
- Challenge yourself
- Follow your dreams
- You become pieces of the people you surround yourself with
- Do your best always
- Use your imagination
- You get what you give
- Keep calm and carry on
- Look both ways before you cross the street
- Carpe diem - seize the day
If you don't speak no one will know what you're thinking about
Believe in yourself
- God will never give you more than you can handle - have faith
- Everyone makes mistakes
- Everything happens for a reason
- Don't bash anyone's religion or shove your religion done other persons throat - people will always have different beliefs, values, and lifestyles
- Dance like no one is watching

- Don't be so hard on yourself
- Do what is right, not what is easy
- Put others before yourself
- What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
- In the end it is between you and God - do good anyway
- Follow the 10 commandments
- Don't underestimate yourself - don't sell yourself short
- Have hope in humanity
- Express yourself through every medium
- Explore and discover
- The night is young and so are we
- Time flies - participate in life, instead of just watching it pass you by...
- Treat others how you want to be treated
- Kiss your significant other hard and still be able to get butterflies
- Speak up, people care about what you have to say...even when it doesn't seem like they do
- Listen more and understand
- Do better
- Enjoy the little things
- Be strong even when all hope is gone
- Keep shining
- Don't be afraid to be a leader
- Stand up for yourself
- Stay golden - stay sweet and stay beautiful
- Be humble
- Laugh until you cry
- Listen to your teachers- they will give unforgettable life lessons that you will never expect
- God is your only judge
- Keep learning and work harder
- Teach yourself new things
- Never forget who you are or where you came from
- Surround yourself with people who are going to take you higher
- Forgive always
- The best part of your life probably hasn't even happened yet - be patient
- Be a lover, not a fighter
- Watch too many movies and tv shows/Netflix with people you love
- Try not to complain when you have a life better than others do
- Appreciate what you have
- Be thankful for everyone
- Smile
- Don't be better than anyone else, but yourself
- Be open minded and don't be afraid to understand other people's view - everyone thinks differently
- Love a lot
- Listen to the universal language, music, there's so much of it...and listen to it loud
- Agree to disagree in big or small arguments, but make sure you try to understand the other person's view
- Be spontaneous with your plans and your actions
- Learn good jokes
- Don't be afraid to meet new people - be open
- Expect the unexpected
- Be in the moment and experience the paradise
- See the beauty in every person and everything - living and non living
- Forget regret or life is yours to miss

- Think before you speak
- Live life everyday as it was your last
- Be eager and excited when looking for jobs or life itself
- It's ok to cry, everyone has feeling
- When you're out with people, pay attention to them and only them (not your phone)
- Volunteer
- You are capable of anything you set your mind to
- Don't be cheap - with money or actions or tasks, always put forth your best work
- Always overuse I love you, you never know when you will see the person again
- Let people know you are thinking about them
- Have different groups of friends
- Don't be afraid to do your own thing - you are the beat to your own drum
- Remember that there is no one else like you
- Be good people
- Be careful trusting people
- When you see a dress or shoes you like that fit you, then buy them - you never know if that style won't sell next year
- Send thank you notes
- Recycle anything you can
- Be self sufficient

- Don't let people tell you that you can't do something
- Drink coffee/caffeine only if you need it
- Always use your manners- people will notice when you say please and thank you or when you place your napkin on your lap
- Put your family first - they will love you unconditionally like no one else will and know everything and more about you
- Thank your parents for giving you life and everything they had given to and given up for you - you basically owe your parents your life, so make it count
- Walk in like you own the place
- Be confident, but not cocky
- Remember you might fail before you succeed
- Do what you love
- Don't let anyone tell you what to do or make decisions for you/control you
- Be YOUnique/be yourself
- Stay weird, it makes life more interesting - no one likes a boring person
- Travel more and look at a map everyday
- Write your thoughts or feelings down somewhere
- Try to be healthy with a somewhat balanced diet, but hey no ones perfect - well except for Beyoncé

- Don't be afraid to try new things - be brave
- Get the right amount of sleep and nap, if you want or have time to
- Be witty when you can, but have the ability to be serious at times
- Never look back when you walk or run, that's all in your past - unless you forgot something, then you probably should go back and find it
- Try to remember your dreams
- Avoid negativity
- Be positive and always look on the bright side of life
- Eat chocolate everyday
- An Audrey Hepburn quote just deserves its own pic...

- When you lose something, look for it until you can't look anymore
- Never give up
- Sharing is caring
- Love yourself/love the skin you're in
- Nothing is impossible
- Act important
- Read or watch the news - it gives you something to talk about
- Always give yourself me time
- Don't get mad easily
- Be easy going and relaxed when you can
- Don't worry, be happy
- Remember you are always communicating
- Go with the flow
- Pray and thank god every day you wake up alive

- Only say sorry when you mean it
- Silence is ok at times, be at peace with life in those moments
- Don't let anyone tell you to go on a diet, unless you're willing to
- Take more pictures - but at social events, appreciate the people and the moment more without a phone in your face, no performer likes to see that, they want to be engaging and give you all the feels
- Make good choices
- You make it happen
- Have the time of your life
Congrats you made it to the end! Now, go out and live! Thanks for reading <3
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