Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Never-Ending List of Quotes

Hello, it's been a while! Sorry about it - October has been the busiest month, much to do, many people to see. But I am back, well at least for now. I have been inspired the past two days, just thinking of life lessons/philosophies of life (or even more shortly, QUOTES < b/c who doesn't love a good quote) and thought it would be cool to post them and some have a relation to various songs or some with images.  Comment more on the bottom with your own favorite quotes or songs that relate to quotes somehow and maybe I will add them, if they are appropriate and accurate in most people's lives.  These are just here to guide people, there's a lot - truly never ending, but maybe the one you read or come across is the one you need the most in life to get through a problem or gain another life skill.  Some might be kinda corny, so sorry about that.  I tried to be clear with them - short, sweet, and to the point.  If you have a need to know why I put these ones and not others or vice versa, they really were just the ones that instantly came to my head at any time in the past two days that I wrote in my "Notes" on my cell phone (yes, I am a nerd and use that frequently). Hopefully you see your favorites - quotes or songs.  I have no rights to these sayings, authors or speakers have probably wrote or spoke them before me, but there are some that I created, or the songs from YouTube. I tried to order them in a somewhat correlated scheme.  So hopefully they are appealing to the eyes, but sorry about the spacing errors and formatting errors, Blogger can be dumb (maybe I should get WordPress). Some quotes are similar, I just liked them all! Carry on...and happy reading, best of luck there's at least 100 of them!

  • Think different
  • Be the change you wish to see in the world 
  • Time heals all wounds
  • Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations (Love, God)
  • Do everything with meaning and love
  • Don't be bashful - get what you want
  • Your hard work won't go unnoticed 
  • If you can dream it, you can do it
  • Don't judge a book by its cover
  • Always ask too many questions
  • Challenge yourself 
  • Follow your dreams
  • You become pieces of the people you surround yourself with
  • Do your best always 
  • Use your imagination

    You get what you give
    If you don't speak no one will know what you're thinking about
    Believe in yourself
  • Keep calm and carry on
  • Look both ways before you cross the street 
  • Carpe diem - seize the day

  • God will never give you more than you can handle - have faith
  • Everyone makes mistakes
  • Everything happens for a reason
  • Don't bash anyone's religion or shove your religion done other persons throat - people will always have different beliefs, values, and lifestyles 
  • Dance like no one is watching

  • Don't be so hard on yourself
  • Do what is right, not what is easy 
  • Put others before yourself 
  • What doesn't kill you makes you stronger 
  • In the end it is between you and God - do good anyway

  • Follow the 10 commandments 
  • Don't underestimate yourself - don't sell yourself short 
  • Have hope in humanity 
  • Express yourself through every medium 
  • Explore and discover 
  • The night is young and so are we 
  • Time flies - participate in life, instead of just watching it pass you by...
  • Treat others how you want to be treated 
  • Kiss your significant other hard and still be able to get butterflies
  • Speak up, people care about what you have to say...even when it doesn't seem like they do 
  • Listen more and understand 
  • Do better 
  • Enjoy the little things


  • Be strong even when all hope is gone 
  • Keep shining
  • Don't be afraid to be a leader
  • Stand up for yourself 
  • Stay golden - stay sweet and stay beautiful  
  • Be humble 
  • Laugh until you cry 
  • Listen to your teachers- they will give unforgettable life lessons that you will never expect
  • God is your only judge 
  • Keep learning and work harder 
  • Teach yourself new things 
  • Never forget who you are or where you came from 
  • Surround yourself with people who are going to take you higher
  • Forgive always 
  • The best part of your life probably hasn't even happened yet - be patient 
  • Be a lover, not a fighter 
  • Watch too many movies and tv shows/Netflix with people you love
  • Try not to complain when you have a life better than others do
  • Appreciate what you have 
  • Be thankful for  everyone
  • Smile
  • Don't be better than anyone else,  but yourself 
  • Be open minded and don't be afraid to understand other people's view - everyone thinks differently 
  • Love a lot

  • Listen to the universal language, music, there's so much of it...and listen to it loud 
  • Agree to disagree in big or small arguments, but make sure you try to understand the other person's view
  • Be spontaneous with your plans and your actions 
  • Learn good jokes 
  • Don't be afraid to meet new people - be open 
  • Expect the unexpected 
  • Be in the moment and experience the paradise 
  • See the beauty in every person and everything - living and non living 
  • Forget regret or life is yours to miss

  • Think before you speak
  • Live life everyday as it was your last 
  • Be eager and excited when looking for jobs or life itself 
  • It's ok to cry, everyone has feeling
  • When you're out with people, pay attention to them and only them (not your phone) 
  • Volunteer 
  • You are capable of anything you set your mind to
  • Don't be cheap - with money or actions or tasks, always put forth your best work
  • Always overuse I love you, you never know when you will see the person again 
  • Let people know you are thinking about them 
  • Have different groups of friends 
  • Don't be afraid to do your own thing - you are the beat to your own drum
  • Remember that there is no one else like you
  • Be good people 
  • Be careful trusting people 
  • When you see a dress or shoes you like that fit you, then buy them - you never know if that style won't sell next year 
  • Send thank you notes
  • Recycle anything you can 
  • Be self sufficient
  • Don't let people tell you that you can't do something 
  • Drink coffee/caffeine only if you need it
  • Always use your manners- people will notice when you say please and thank you or when you place your napkin on your lap
  • Put your family first - they will love you unconditionally like no one else will and know everything and more about you 
  • Thank your parents for giving you life and everything they had given to and given up for you - you basically owe your parents your life, so make it count
  • Walk in like you own the place
  • Be confident, but not cocky 
  • Remember you might fail before you succeed
  • Do what you love 
  • Don't let anyone tell you what to do or make decisions for you/control you 
  • Be YOUnique/be yourself 
  • Stay weird, it makes life more interesting - no one likes a boring person 
  • Travel more and look at a map everyday 
  • Write your thoughts or feelings down somewhere 
  • Try to be healthy with a somewhat balanced diet, but hey no ones perfect - well except for BeyoncĂ©

  • Don't be afraid to try new things - be brave 
  • Get the right amount of sleep and nap, if you want or have time to 
  • Be witty when you can, but have the ability to be serious at times 
  • Never look back when you walk or run, that's all in your past - unless you forgot something, then you probably should go back and find it 
  • Try to remember your dreams 
  • Avoid negativity
  • Be positive and always look on the bright side of life 
  • Eat chocolate everyday 
  • An Audrey Hepburn quote just deserves its own pic...

  • When you lose something, look for it until you can't look anymore 
  • Never give up 
  • Sharing is caring 
  • Love yourself/love the skin you're in 
  • Nothing is impossible 
  • Act important
  • Read or watch the news - it gives you something to talk about 
  • Always give yourself me time
  • Don't get mad easily 
  • Be easy going and relaxed when you can
  • Don't worry, be happy 
  • Remember you are always communicating 
  • Go with the flow
  • Pray and thank god every day you wake up alive

  • Only say sorry when you mean it
  • Silence is ok at times, be at peace with life in those moments 
  • Don't let anyone tell you to go on a diet, unless you're willing to 
  • Take more pictures - but at social events, appreciate the people and the moment more without a  phone in your face, no performer likes to see that, they want to be engaging and give you all the feels 
  • Make good choices
  • You make it happen 
  • Have the time of your life

Congrats you made it to the end! Now, go out and live! Thanks for reading <3

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Idea Technology in the Social Sciences

Yesterday I was in a team meeting at work, where my boss usually shows a TED Talk to introduce the meeting.  Yesterday's TED talk was called "The way we think about work is broken" by Barry Schwartz.  Check it (video or transcript) out, if you have a chance --- if not, you're missing out and will be spoiled if you read this post... (warning: important parts mentioned in post)

Schwartz's words made me reflect on my time as a communication major undergrad, starting with when he mentions the concept of "idea technology"... 
What do you think he means by this?  Well, not to mean to brag, but I learned about that so-called "idea technology" during my last semester.  So what does it mean...? Well, my professor (who is now retired :( ) described it as how Google or some of the most profitable industries in the world house their ideas and data, but no products in their corporations.  Companies like that thrive on ideas, creativity, and hard work.  There is no ultimate product involved just mass amounts of data and ideas for projects that cannot physically be taken away. 
"This is the role that ideas play in shaping us as human beings, and this is why "idea technology" may be the most profoundly important technology that science gives us," speaks Shwartz.  What type of science is he even talking about you may ask, well BOOM!, it's the social sciences (not the usual importance of natural sciences)! My proud moment of being a communication major happened here...or even if any of you readers studied or are studying any of the subjects below... (sorry about the  bad internet quality), yes I am talking about you! 
Small Sidenote:
Also, I love when Shwartz mentions that "idea technology" is special in comparison to just regular technology, the "technology of things".  Ideas are irreplaceable, things are replaceable.

Shwartz ends with an inspirational statement, "The distinguished anthropologist, Clifford Geertz, said, years ago, that human beings are the "unfinished animals." And what he meant by that was that it is only human nature to have a human nature that is very much the product of the society in which people live. That human nature, that is to say our human nature, is much more created than it is discovered. We design human nature by designing the institutions within which people live and work. And so you people -- pretty much the closest I ever get to being with masters of the universe -- you people should be asking yourself a question, as you go back home to run your organizations. Just what kind of human nature do you want to help design?" Like wow, where do you even go from there?  Well, I was speechless... seriously I think I just wrote the SPOILERS (important parts) of the TED Talk. 

Not only was this an inspiration and proud moment as a past student of the social sciences, I hope it can benefit you because your idea matters as a human being, so "design" away!
Have a happy hump day!
Thanks for reading :)

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Why Hump Day is the best day of the week!

hump day camel
First off, I should thank Geico for reintroducing the term, "Hump Day" to one of their advertisements...yeah, you remember the commercial that forever instilled a camel in your head on Wednesdays - "Happier than a camel on hump day."  Camels aren't even my favorite animals...
BUT, back to the point...
Ever since that and just getting halfway through the week, doesn't Wednesday just look a lot happier?  To me, it is!  Think about it, instead of just waiting for the weekend to celebrate, why not celebrate for being halfway done with the week and just gaining motivation to do that because YOU ARE AWESOME!
Yeah, I sound corny, but think about how happy you would be if you celebrated everyday as a gift or just as it was your last day, well that's what Wednesday is to me (besides weekends).  For example, today after work I rewarded myself with a "tall, iced chai" from Starbucks.  It can be as simple as that, like other times I would reward myself with a pop or ice cream (depending what money I have or what items are at home).  It doesn't matter what work you did or didn't get complete, what matters is you made it halfway through a week of your life that you will never get back.
So...yes, I love hump days and you should to.  They are something to look forward to and are motivating because the week is almost done, thus upcoming weekend!
Thanks for reading!
Now go out and enjoy the rest of your hump day with a reward because you deserve it!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Vacations, Dentists, and Hump Day

Going back to work from vacations is always tough, even if it's just for the weekend.  That's what my boyfriend and I had to do this past weekend when we travelled to the Outer Banks in North Carolina with a great group of friends.  It was so much fun and it sure went by fast.  I sure do love the beach.  Even though there have been frequent shark attacks, that didn't stop me from going in the ocean!  This was my boyfriend's first time at the beach (in real life), so it was extra special.  It made me realized how blessed I am to travel and go to nice places on vacation esp. with my family and friends.  I was happy for my boyfriend, Gary <3 (hey!) so I tried to make sure that we did everything that he wanted to do down there.  I even rode on a jet ski with him, which I have tried before but I didn't like it and instantly got off, but this time it was fun and I felt fearless.  I made sure to take some seashells home.  Gary had a great time, but hardly slept (I would have not survived on the amount of sleep he had cause when we got there he stayed up and went to the beach super early while I recovered sleep from the long drive).  Thanks for a great trip babe!

But now it was back to reality on Sunday...on my first day back to work, my boss's were not there, so I had to hold down the fort - answer client phone calls and emails, which went smoothly. 

I am a part-time employee at this job, so I have Tuesdays and Thursdays off, well at least for now.  Yesterday I went to the dentist to get a cavity filled in the back,
lower left of my mouth...it was weird because my dentist said it was small, but it ended up being bigger and he found another cavity back there - so I got to take the numbing drugs.  I am not afraid of needles. I really just try not to think about how the dentists and dental hygienists are scraping at my teeth so I stare at the ceiling and at the walls for minutes, even hours if I have to!  The numbing took a little to kick in, but boy am I mad cause I didn't eat before that, so I was starving and devastated when they told me I couldn't eat hard foods (aka all of the good and flavorful foods) for up to 3 hours after the cavity filling...Mind you this was during lunch time and I skipped breakfast like a fool. -_- But moral of this paragraph is that I do trust my dentist, so at first even when he thought the cavity was just small and told me he wasn't going to numb it, I trusted him with all of my heart.  I have heard that many people do not like the dentist.  I feel lucky to actually like and trust mine, I hope someday people can go to the dentist without fear because they are people to, doing the best they can for your job to fix a signature of who you are and what makes you, you - your SMILE!
Happy Hump Day
Here's a picture of a baby gorilla smiling to remind you to smile (even when you might be dreading to go to the dentist)! :)

Monday, August 3, 2015

Touch Technology on Motivation Monday

So today my phone died on my way home from work, I commute downtown on the bus to home...it's usually a 30 min ride where I obviously go straight to my phone, listen to music and check every social media site possible.

At first I was kind of upset because what was I to do and how would I know the time or whether the bus would even come or not.  Then it made me realize how much I depend on my phone and inspired me to post a blog about not only silence, but still communication.

One of my communication professors once said, "Communication is unavoidable." This will forever be true.

Let's flashback today when I left work around 5:40 to hopefully make the bus without a cellphone,

SPOILER ALERT: I did make the bus!

But on the bus ride home as I was just doing the usual people watching and window staring, I noticed the silence and how people instantly just placed their eyes in their phone or just had headphones in (yes, I consider headphones pieces of technology so that's why I named the post "touch technology").  I am not trying to be hypocritical because I do it every day and would have been doing it if my phone was charged.

Today I saw an older man in a red poncho who sat near me on the bus, he recognized me because he has spoke to me briefly before...he always says hi to everyone, and I am unsure if he has a mental problem or not, but he could just be a friendly soul.  I found it pleasant to simply say hello to him because I wondered how many people ignored him because they are too busy going through their daily lives.  People tend to go on their phones to avoid social interaction or catch up on the 411 or their friends' important social media posts or write a tweet about their day (that just was the worst) or to text a loved one saying see you soon. When the man's stop came, he told me to have a good night, I smiled and said, "Thanks, you too" and then the man was on his way.

Take some time this week to enjoy the strangers and scenery around you.  Say hello to a random stranger, if your brave enough...it could make their day. I hope to post lessons that may inspire some or bore others.

Thanks for reading.

Welcome to my Blog

Hello there! Glad you stopped by or just stumbled upon this...:) hope you will stick around.

A little about me...
My name is Sarah and this is my second blog that I am happy to be starting. I am a recent Communication: Public Relations major graduate and Philosophy minor. Why those two you might ask...well I like them, duh! But both of them taught me to "Think Outloud".  Sometimes I say that Philosophy changed my life by the way it opened my eyes to see and think about different perspectives.  It's kind of funny cause at first I had no clue what philosophy would be about and I just took it because I love quotes.  But really who doesn't love good quotes about life, love or just for inspiration...speaking of, here's one!

Ya, the best quotes definitely come from philosophers.  Philosophy also allowed me to critically analyze. Well enough of that "love for wisdom" (definition of philosophy) stuff, since some people find it boring, hey some things are not for everyone.

So what will this blog be about?
Well as a recent college grad, this blog will be about of course my thoughts through out daily life as a post grad.  I hope to post topics about technology, social and regular media, the internet, philosophy, news articles, movies, music, new trends, my personal life (hopes, dreams, experiences), communication, and more!  and maybe I will post some quotes and what they mean to me...who knows, the possibility of a blog is endless.

Thanks for reading - this blog will also be used to organize my thoughts and better my writing skills.

"That's all folks!"