Monday, August 3, 2015

Touch Technology on Motivation Monday

So today my phone died on my way home from work, I commute downtown on the bus to's usually a 30 min ride where I obviously go straight to my phone, listen to music and check every social media site possible.

At first I was kind of upset because what was I to do and how would I know the time or whether the bus would even come or not.  Then it made me realize how much I depend on my phone and inspired me to post a blog about not only silence, but still communication.

One of my communication professors once said, "Communication is unavoidable." This will forever be true.

Let's flashback today when I left work around 5:40 to hopefully make the bus without a cellphone,

SPOILER ALERT: I did make the bus!

But on the bus ride home as I was just doing the usual people watching and window staring, I noticed the silence and how people instantly just placed their eyes in their phone or just had headphones in (yes, I consider headphones pieces of technology so that's why I named the post "touch technology").  I am not trying to be hypocritical because I do it every day and would have been doing it if my phone was charged.

Today I saw an older man in a red poncho who sat near me on the bus, he recognized me because he has spoke to me briefly before...he always says hi to everyone, and I am unsure if he has a mental problem or not, but he could just be a friendly soul.  I found it pleasant to simply say hello to him because I wondered how many people ignored him because they are too busy going through their daily lives.  People tend to go on their phones to avoid social interaction or catch up on the 411 or their friends' important social media posts or write a tweet about their day (that just was the worst) or to text a loved one saying see you soon. When the man's stop came, he told me to have a good night, I smiled and said, "Thanks, you too" and then the man was on his way.

Take some time this week to enjoy the strangers and scenery around you.  Say hello to a random stranger, if your brave could make their day. I hope to post lessons that may inspire some or bore others.

Thanks for reading.

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