A little about me...
My name is Sarah and this is my second blog that I am happy to be starting. I am a recent Communication: Public Relations major graduate and Philosophy minor. Why those two you might ask...well I like them, duh! But both of them taught me to "Think Outloud". Sometimes I say that Philosophy changed my life by the way it opened my eyes to see and think about different perspectives. It's kind of funny cause at first I had no clue what philosophy would be about and I just took it because I love quotes. But really who doesn't love good quotes about life, love or just for inspiration...speaking of, here's one!
Ya, the best quotes definitely come from philosophers. Philosophy also allowed me to critically analyze. Well enough of that "love for wisdom" (definition of philosophy) stuff, since some people find it boring, hey some things are not for everyone.
So what will this blog be about?
Well as a recent college grad, this blog will be about of course my thoughts through out daily life as a post grad. I hope to post topics about technology, social and regular media, the internet, philosophy, news articles, movies, music, new trends, my personal life (hopes, dreams, experiences), communication, and more! and maybe I will post some quotes and what they mean to me...who knows, the possibility of a blog is endless.
Thanks for reading - this blog will also be used to organize my thoughts and better my writing skills.
"That's all folks!"
Wow, so professional!<3