Monday, February 8, 2016

New Year, Same Me...well sorta

Hiya! It has been a long while since (the coon's age but not really) my last blog post - a lot has been going on in my life.  Follow along, I'll try not to bore you...

Well where to start...Christmas came and went, I started taking anxiety medication, broke up with my boyfriend, worked at the web agency job, threw a New Years Eve Party, visited friends, went out A LOT, downloaded new music legally, read a great book, got a haircut, treated myself at Rite Aid, Amazon, and TJ Maxx, got a new bedroom, experienced my grandpa's 82nd birthday party, got a random virus, tried to take more naps, try new food, and go to concerts.

Life is good. I feel like a weight got lifted off my shoulders over the past few months, I've been trying to figure out what I want in life.  I am lucky that I am still young.  My mom says I turned into a new person because I now am the neatest freak 47 that I have ever been, I even make my bed on the daily, I guess you could say I am truly happy. I love my new room.  My life has kinda been a mess lately, but I still have a job and a loving family (that will hopefully never kick me out), which are some of my blessings.

I cannot get over how cool it is that one of my friends is across the world right now as she is travelling at sea for a semester.  How lucky am I to know someone as adventurous as her <3

The book I read was amazing, I would say life changing, but philosophy alone changed my's the cover and a link to buy it:  I would tell you some of my favorite quotes, but I don't want to spoil it. It is an easy read because it's formatted as poems with Part 1, Part 2 and analyses in the footnotes and in the back of the book.

Well my room is neat, super colorful with lots of knickknacks, pictures, electronics, and books.  Much art. Such me.  I am happy I go to a ton of concerts and events because I finally made a shadow box with tickets like I have always wanted to!  You can see it on my Facebook soon.  Life has been handing me a lot of tasks to manage this year, oh yeah HAPPY YEAR OF THE MONKEY! See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil this year for luck to be on your side :) I have noticed I am somewhat a wallflower, so that's pretty neat.  I find myself to be more of a listener than a speaker, I like to hear people's ideas, thoughts, and hopes and dreams.  It gives me something to believe in, even when they may not even believe in themselves.

I guess you could say I'm shy, but I am still the same person I have always been.  I will never change who I am even if I am one of the weirdest people I know! <3 You do the same. Thanks for reading, Now go do good things for people that you would be proud if someone did for you because...
Have a good week! 

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