Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Beautiful Body & Face, Full Stomach, Can't Lose (Weight) - A Tribute to National Eating Disorder Week

National Eating Disorder Month is those binge eaters, false perception creators, unconfident,body shamers - this ones for you, yes, I am talking about all of us!  All of us can be super critical to our bodies or other people's body by calling it unpretty. There are no guidelines for what makes a person attractive; beauty is truly in the eyes of the beholder.
Everyone can be beautiful on the inside and out by shining their genuine selves to their full potential for the entire world to see.     

A wise philosopher, Kid Cudi (Scott Mescudi) once said...

Isn't that the truth! Haters are going to hate, no matter what.

Keep your head up.

Amy Winehouse performing on 29 June 2007 at the Eurockéennes music festival in eastern France. Winehouse is looking into the crowd while singing sidelong into a handheld microphone. Her black hair is combed back in a relaxed style. Her tattooed shoulder is bare and she is wearing large, chunky earrings.There are hundreds of major celebrities (models, actors, singers) with eating disorders, so you are not alone.  One of my recent favorites is Amy Winehouse...yes, that one who sang that one song about going to Rehab (and she was all like NO, NO, NO!) Then the world lost an angel, who wasn't cut out for the fame and the harsh paparazzi.  I wanna advise you to go watch her documentary, you will get the FEELS! Here's the link, Amy, you can stream it for free on Amazon Prime. Amy was not only a tremendous jazz singer, but a philanthropist.  She was a cry for help for all celebrities.  She was also known for being a drug addict and alcoholic, which led her to an eating disorder...she was always extremely thin; she suffered from bulimia.  
People of all body types, male or female, can suffer from eating disorders.  STAND UP for them and don't be afraid to compliment people when they look pretty today, as long as they are healthy, it shouldn't matter.  People should see others from their personality and not just their looks....
It reminds me of a time my family was all home at a restaurant for dinner and my mom was going around the table saying what she liked about each of her 3 daughters, she started with my oldest sister, "She's really smart", the next one, "She has a lot of good things going for her in her new job", and then to me (best for last, right ;)), "You're just really pretty". Ok? like am I not smart, then, thanks mom.  
Looks aren't everything. 
It's crazy because people judge people in the first 15 seconds or something like that of seeing them. Another good movie about body image is America the Beautiful. Some closing notes are to be yourself, love yourself, and show kindness.  Support National Eating Disorder Week and know that you are not alone! Happy hump day! Shine on and stay golden! go do you!


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